Still in the post-holiday blues and looking for ways to get out of your rut and stay motivated? Check out these ways to kick procrastination and stay motivated.
Start Your Day Right
Feeling productive starts with your first several acts of the day. As soon as your alarm goes off, get up... [read more]
The Rams and Bengals will battle the field for the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 13. If you are hosting the watch party, don't forget the most important component: the snacks. Sure, the game is fascinating, and it only happens once a year, but the true star of the show... [read more]
Does it feel like you cooked your way through the holiday season? If so, you’re probably more than a little exhausted and need a break. You’ll get just that with these simple and easy dinner ideas. You can throw together dinner in an instant, and it’ll be so delicious your... [read more]
Have you tried your hand at detailing your car at home but never gotten the results you want? You can change that by learning some professional detailing techniques. Check out these tips so you can detail your vehicle like a pro.
Rinse Your Ride Before Washing it
Do you go straight to... [read more]
From produce grown in Virginia soil to goods crafted by our community’s artisans, it pays to shop local. You can find all kinds of shops, restaurants, and more right here in Fredericksburg, and you can even find the resources you need to boost your small business as well. Metro Nova... [read more]
Since January is Get Organized Month, it’s a fantastic time to tackle your bedroom. Once your bedroom is organized, you’ll have a relaxing retreat to enjoy at the end of each day. That, in turn, can help you get a better night’s sleep, boosting productivity during the day. First, go... [read more]
The clock is ticking! You only have a few more days of 2021 left to enjoy. With only a matter of hours, you can make a large impact on the year, and enter 2022 feeling more refreshed than ever. Check out how to leave 2021 and start 2022 on a... [read more]
The winter brings both the beauty of snow-covered evergreens and the hassle of snow-covered driveways, but nothing beats the time-drain of ice-covered car windows on a busy weekday morning. There are a lot of hacks for quick removal of ice but not all of them are effective and some of... [read more]
It's that time - Christmas time is here! While some think of twinkling lights, food, Santa, and time off from work, other's minds go straight to gifts once the calendar hits December 1. Whether you love giving gifts, or you always find yourself lost when browsing for a gift for... [read more]
For kids, there isn’t a more exciting and enjoyable time of year than Christmas. The anticipation of getting gifts is something many children look forward to for weeks, if not months. The time off school is another perk of the holiday season that kids can benefit from. However, when the... [read more]