5 Tips To Organize Your Room

young woman arranging the bedroom of her new apartment

Since January is Get Organized Month, it’s a fantastic time to tackle your bedroom. Once your bedroom is organized, you’ll have a relaxing retreat to enjoy at the end of each day. That, in turn, can help you get a better night’s sleep, boosting productivity during the day. First, go over five tips for organizing your bedroom. Then you can put the plan in motion and reap the benefits.

1.      Declutter in Sections

Organizing an entire room at once can be overwhelming, so go in sections. First, tackle the closet. Go through the garments and donate or toss what you don’t wear. Then organize everything you’re keeping and put it back in the closet. If you don’t have enough space or can’t stay organized, you can also add an organization system to the closet.

Then organize the rest of your storage areas before moving onto the other spaces, including under the bed. Use the same system of getting rid of or donating items you don’t want or need.

2.      Set up a Basket for Pillows

If you have throw pillows on your bed, you know how messy your room can get at night. You likely toss the pillows onto the floor or chairs and then have to clean up the mess the next morning. That’s not a good way to start a day, so put a large basket by the bed to hold your pillows at night.

3.      Put Your Blankets on a Rack

Snuggling up under the blankets feels great during the winter. Unfortunately, all those extra blankets make staying organized difficult. For instance, making the bed is a chore when dealing with three or four blankets. Because of that, you might skip bed-making in the morning, so your bedroom never looks its best. Fortunately, you can solve this problem by getting a blanket rack. Use it to hold your blankets when you don’t need them or make the bed.

4.      Have Places for Dirty Clothes and Garbage

It’s impossible to stay organized if you have garbage or dirty clothes taking up space in your room. Thus, be sure to get a hamper and a trash can for your bedroom. You can tuck the hamper away in the closet while placing a small trash can by the bed. Go with a bathroom-sized receptacle so it won’t stick out in the room.

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5.      Use Under-the-bed Storage to Stay Organized

You can keep some items out of sight and organized with under-the-bed storage. A rolling storage container is an ideal option for this. This container can hold extra sheets, blankets, gift wrap, and other items. You can easily pull it out when needed, but it’ll be concealed under the bed when not in use.

These tips are easy to follow and help you organize your bedroom. Then you’ll be ready to keep the organization going by tackling other rooms in your house.

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