Keeping up with routine maintenance is great, but don't overlook the components that don't require frequent checks. Check out these commonly overlooked vehicle services according to the News Wheel, and make sure your vehicle continues functioning properly. Don't let unwanted repairs sneak up on you, let the team at Huber Motor... [read more]
Performing regular car maintenance is the key to many happy years of driving. And one simple task that can have a big impact is changing your air filter. Many people don’t realize how vital this single car part can be. Some people don’t realize that their car has not one... [read more]
February is the month of love. If you're wondering what your vehicle longs for the most this Valentine's season, it's fresh oil. If you're unsure of where to start with an oil change, follow along and read over these tips to fill up your ride with some love juice. After... [read more]
It’s time to say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. With the new season, you might be thinking about decorations and other things you need to do. Be sure to put car maintenance on your list as well. Let’s go over some ways you can prep your vehicle for... [read more]
Your car battery is the lifeline of your vehicle. Without it, your vehicle won't run. Not only do you need to replace it from time to time, but there are several things you can do to keep it healthy so that it lasts longer. Check out these tips from Nationwide... [read more]
If you want to extend the life span of your car, preventative maintenance is a must. The proper maintenance can prevent major breakdowns and help you drive your car well past 100,000 miles. Go over some important preventative maintenance tips to keep your vehicle in great shape for years to... [read more]