With warmer days ahead, you may want to venture outdoors. There are many fun activities to participate with friends outside. One of the best pastimes to pursue this season is hiking. It is a great way to improve your overall well-being mentally and physically as you get to take a step away from all the other duties and distractions in your life. If you want to take up hiking this season, then check out this list of items from REI that you may want to consider having with you on the hike.
Hiking Backpack
There will be a couple of things that you will want to bring with you for the hike. However, you want your hands to be free as you hike, so the first thing you need to invest in is hiking backpack. This backpack needs to have enough room to carry your hiking items comfortably without you getting tired from carrying the load.
Appropriate Clothing
There is nothing worse than starting to hike on a trail and immediately you start feeling uncomfortable. It could be your shoes or the material of your pants and shirt that are rubbing the wrong way as you trek down the trail. Plan accordingly by wearing clothes that are appropriate to the weather conditions and where as well as when you are hiking. You may want to consider thin layers made of moisture-wicking material that you can easily take off and stow away in your backpack. You will also want quality hiking socks and shoes or boots. While you may not plan on it, things can take an unexpecting turn, so you may also want to pack an extra set of clothes to change into.
Whether you are hiking for only thirty minutes to an hour, you need to pack water for your hiking trip. If you plan on hiking for more than an hour, then you will also want to pack plenty bottles of water as well as snacks like protein bars, packs of nuts, etc. As you plan for your hike, make sure that you also pack separate water bottles for your fur baby if he or she is coming with you.
First-Aid Kit
As mentioned previously, things can take an unexpected turn when you are venturing outdoors. While you cannot prevent every little cut or scratch, you can take measures of safety and care by carrying in your hiking backpack a first-aid kit. Along with a first-aid kit that is filled with band aids, bandages, and medicine, you may want to carry a whistle with you as well. This whistle can help you if you were to fall or get lost, so that other hikers can come help you.
Misc. Items
There are many other items that you may want to carry with you when you go hiking. Tools such as a map and compass to help you navigate the trails. It may also behoove you to carry a multi-tool or knife. Depending on the terrain of the trails that you are on, you may want to also have trekking poles.
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Shop at Huber Motor Cars
If you need a reliable vehicle to get you to the trails for your next hike, then consider exploring the vehicle selection at Huber Motor Cars. Huber Motor Cars has a wonderful array of sedans and SUVs. Come shop with Huber Motor Cars today.
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