Before you get behind the wheel, make sure you prepare for anything, starting with your glove box. We’ve gathered a list of the most important things to keep in your glove box at all times.
Medical Information (of Anyone Who Rides or Drives Regularly)
Start by listing the medical information of everyone in your family. If someone frequently drives the car or rides in it, include their information. This should include medicines, allergies, and conditions.
This is a matter of safety. After all, you never know if you’ll be in an accident and unable to communicate.
Emergency Contacts
You should plan for the worst but hope for the best. This also includes putting emergency contact information in the glove box. At a minimum, list the number and preferably write the person’s name as well. Even better, write down their relationship to you.
Proof of Insurance
You can’t drive without insurance. Therefore, avoid hassles by keeping proof of insurance in your car.
Owner’s Manual
The glove box is the best spot to store your owner’s manual. That way, it’s handy if you need to figure something out on the road. Hopefully, it also has your maintenance schedule.
You don’t want to get stranded, but it can happen, so put a few water bottles in your car just in case. Of course, those won’t fit in your glove compartment. But some granola bars will, and you can add those at the same time.
These are not just good for emergencies. They are also useful if you get stuck in a crazy traffic jam or for those times when you don’t have time to eat before going to work.
First Aid Kit
You may grab a larger first aid kit for your backseat or trunk. However, you may also want a small one for the glove box. This way, you can quickly grab it if you need a bandage. You won’t even have to leave the car to get the bandage.
A Flashlight
Every glove compartment should have a flashlight. Grab it when you drop something under the seats or to help you fish your cell phone out of the seat gap.
You’ll be extra thankful for the flashlight if you get in an accident at night. It can be even more useful in emergencies.
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Hand Sanitizer, Napkins, Etc.
Make sure your car has the stuff you need to stay clean. This can include hand sanitizer, travel wipes, tissues, and napkins.
The next time you have to eat in your car, you’ll be glad you added these items. As a bonus, they barely take up any room.
An organized glove compartment is just one part of having a well-maintained car. And if you have simple and complicated maintenance work coming up, Huber Motor Cars in Fredericksburg, Virginia, can help. Our service center will take care of your car for you, or if you want to upgrade, our sales team can assist.
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