Summer is great, but you still have to take care of your loved ones and yourself outside in the heat of the sun. This includes keeping an eye out for your pup who cannot verbally communicate to you that they have had enough of the sun. Daily Paws offers some insight to know when you need to bring your fur baby inside this summer and how you can prevent them suffering from heat exhaustion.
Is It Too Hot for Fido?
Human bodies can regulate temperature differently than dogs. You may find your dog panting a lot when it is hot outside. The reason is because dogs do not sweat like humans. Panting allows your dog to thermoregulate. If they are excessively panting, this is a sign for you that they are trying to cool off because they are uncomfortable with the temperature.
Another thing to keep in mind is that a dog’s body temperature runs higher than humans. While the average body temperature for humans is 98.6, it is between 101 and 102.5 degrees in dogs. This means they are already running hotter than us on a normal day. To know if it is too hot for your dog, you would also need to take into account their breed as well as size and weight. Again, bear in mind, that if it is feeling hot to you, that your dog feels it even more.
Walking on the Pavement
Granted, there are times when your dog must go out to do its business, even on hot days. While it would be great for them to simply run outside into the backyard onto cool grass, everyone does not have that luxury. If you have to walk your dog, then be aware of the heat of the pavement. While a dog’s paws are tough, the pavement can definitely be to hot for them to walk on. You can test the pavement by placing your hand on the pavement. If you cannot leave it there comfortably for a minute or more, then it is too hot for your pup. Try walking them during cooler parts of the day or get them boots to wear when they need to go during the heat of the day.
In a Car
If you need to run errands, then leave Spot or Fido at home. You may think you can be quick, but leaving a dog in the car even with the windows cracked and AC on during a summer day can be miserable and even dangerous. While it may feel like 85 outside, the temperature in your car can elevate to 102 in little as ten minutes. It can easily reach 120 degrees after thirty minutes. If the outside temperature is anything above 70 degrees, do not leave your pup in the vehicle.
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Keep Spot Safe
Prevention is always better than treatment. To keep your dog from getting a heatstroke or suffering from heat exhaustion, it is best that they always have ample amounts of cold water and access to shade. During the summer months, it is best to keep them inside when possible. Other fun ways to keep them cool is to offer them pup-safe popsicles, a cooling mat, or allowing them to run through the sprinkler or play in a puppy pool.
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